Contact Person : Steven Yao
Phone Number : +86-13424312532
WhatsApp : +8613424312532
March 15, 2021
The working partner located in Karachi, Pakistan, it is a Software House for industry specific Application software with their own ERP 2 software solutions, who has been serving industrial and public clients for some time.
The Police Forces in Pakistan had suffered from severe erosion of public trust. It was perceived by the public as not being erratic and accountable, leading to a high level of rule breaking in traffic laws.
In 2017, it was contracted to provide a driving license and fine tracking solution for the Police Forces in Pakistan. It implemented the solution it’s Traffic Guard based on their existing ERP2 solution and applied its methods and tools to policing.
One of the powerful features of the resulting Traffic Guard solution is the integration of always-online Android smartphone Apps into the solution. Apart from a standard Web GUI, Traffic Guard also offers Android Apps for the driving license holder, police admin, police command and individual police officers. Most of these Apps are useful as standard Smartphone Apps, but the field officer app needed integrated peripherals for reading ID and driving license cards, fingerprints, to accept payments and print payment receipts.
Wisecard's S8 handheld POS terminal offers the always-on, as well as the required printer and fingerprint sensor peripherals for scanning fingerprints and card data, printing of traffic fine tickets and payment receipt printing.
It integrated their Field Officer app with the Wisecard POS SDK and trialed the S8 successfully in 2018 in a pilot trial in Quetta, which has rolled out the solution into the entire force in 2020.
The challenge of this project was the implementation during the Pandemic and the complex customization requirement for Pakistan. It and Wisecard diligently worked through those issues and successfully implemented the solution.
The Police force in Baluchistan gained an excellent tool to track traffic fines and their payment. The provincial government improved their cash flow from traffic fines with real time reconciliations and accountability tools available for them at their fingertip via Wisecard POS Terminals.
The field officers have a single tool to document traffic incidents, check electronic ID documents and take documented fine payments on the spot with any common mode of payment or online payments.
The police command gained an excellent tool to track their assets in the field, Key Performance Indicators, as well as the ability to quickly
recognize crises and send additional assets on location when needed. The driving public got a tool to track the status of their driving license, associated fines and officially launch complaints for unfair transactions with the police, which are dealt with in a strictly defined workflow.
The introduction of Traffic Guard and the visible tool of the S8 POS Terminal with the field officers have remarkably improved the perception of Police and bridge gap between police and common citizens, with emphasis on accountability in the population.
A Win-Win solution for all stakeholders.
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